Public Speaking

I regularly give talks and workshops on various topics to groups of all ages. I have spoken to many primary school groups, companies, companies and social clubs (such as Women Institute, Freemasons).

Topics, I am happy to talk about or conduct workshops on include:

  • Disability Inclusion at Work / Entrepreneurship
  • Accessibility
  • Inclusive Research & Ecuation
  • Working with a guide dog
  • Life as a blind person
  • other related topics, just suggest something
5 people on the panel. Anica sits in the middle with her sleeping guide dog near her feet.
photo of a panel with six women. From left to right: Anica Zeyen and her guide dog Lassie, Oana Branzei, Hannah Deakin, Avril Coelho, Kelly Given and Lucy Matthews. The background shows a screen with the broadcast of the panel
Anica sits on a sofa in a primary school classroom. Lassie her guide dog lies on the floor in front of her
Anica is standing large lecture hall. she wears a black and white dress with black and white Converse shoes. She holds her arms out to the side and is mid step smiling